Instant Notes in Genetics
MOLECULAR GENETICS. DNA structure. Genes. The genetic code. Gene transcription. Transfer RNA. Ribosomal RNA. Messenger RNA. Translation. DNA replication. Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes. Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes. GENOMES. Chromosomes. Cell Division. Prokaryotic genomes. The human genome. DNA mutation. Mutagens and DNA repair. Recombination. Bacteriophages. Eukaryotic viruses. MECHANISMS OF INHERITANCE. Basic mendelian genetics. More mendelian genetics. Meiosis and gametogenesis. Linkage. Transfer of genes between bacteria. Genes in eukaryotic organelles. Quantitative inheritance. Sex determination. Sex and inheritance. Somatic cell fusion. Inbreeding. Probabilities. Tests for goodness to fit: chi-square and exact tests. POPULATION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION. Introduction. Evolution by natural selection. Genes in populations: hardy-weinberg equilibrium. Genetic diversity. Neo-darwin evolution: selection acting on alleles. Chromosome changes in evolution. Species and speciation. Polyploidy. Evolution. RECOMINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY. Nucleic acid hybridization. DNA cloning. Polymerase chain reaction. DNA sequencing. APPLICATIONS OF GENETICS. Genetic diseases. Genes and cancer. Genotoxicity testing. Gene therapy. The human genome project. Genetics in forensic science. Genetic engineering and biotechnology.