Target detection in hyperspectral images using projection pursuit with interference rejection

We present a method for the automatic, unsupervised detection of spectrally distinct targets from the background using hyperspectral imaging. The approach is based on the concepts of projection pursuit (PP) and unsupervised orthogonal subspace projection (UOSP). It has the advantage of not requiring any prior knowledge of the scene or the objects' spectral signatures. All information is obtained from the data. First, PP is used to both reduce the data dimensionality and locate potential targets. Then, UOSP suppresses the signatures from undesired objects or interferers that cause false detections when a spectral filter is applied. The result is a set of gray scale images where objects belonging to the same spectral class are enhanced while the background and other undesired objects are suppressed. This method is demonstrated using data from the Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment (HYDICE).