Fully developed turbulence: a unifying point of view
Abstracts47.27Gs ShortCommunication FullyDeveloped Turbulence: A Unifying Point ofView B. Castaing (~) andB.Dubrulle (~) (~) CentredeRecherches sur lesTrAsBasses Tempdratures (*), CNRS, BP 166, 38042 GrenobleCedex 9, France (~) CEA/DSM/Dapnia/SAp(**), CE Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France andOMP (***), 14 avenue Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France (Received 9 Februaryaccepted 5 April 1995) Abstract.Various approaches have been proposed for understanding velocity statisticsin fullydeveloped turbulence. Tworecentpapers focused on thedistribution of dissipation. Thisnoteshows the connectionbetweenthese ideas and previous work and their complementary character. Recently severalletters [1-3]appeared onanew development in isotropic 3Dturbulence.Sheand LevAque [1] postulated theexistenceof a hierarchicalrelationbetween moments of averageddissipation on scale I, Ei:~~~ ~ P' ~ ~~ / = Ap ~~(l) Elcc Elcc where Eioo isthe"maximum"value of Ei,and the A~ aresome