Septic tank system effects on ground water quality
1-INTRODUCTION. Septic Tank System Regulation. 2-DESIGN OF SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS. Overview. 3-GROUND WATER POLLUTION FROM SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS. Potential Pollutants from System Effluents. Mechanisms of Ground Water Contamination from Septic Tank Systems. Transport and Fate Contaminants. Ground Water Pollution Control Measures. Monitoring. Septage. 4-METHODOLOGIES AND MODELING. Concept. Previous Usage of Technical Methodologies. Selection Criteria for Technical Methodologies. Empirical Assessment Methodologies. Hantush Analytical Model. Konikow-Bredehoeft Numerical Model. Hierarchical Structure for Model Usage. 5-SUMMARY. Septic Tank Systems. Effluent Quality. Ground Water Pollution from Septic Systems. Evaluation of the Ground Water Pollution Potential of Septic Tank Systems. APPENDIX: Phillips, Nathwani and MOOIJ Assessment Matrices. Error Function in Hantush Analytical Model. Fortran IV Program for Konikow-Bredehoeft Solute-Transport Model. 336 pp.,