Finite state machine induction using genetic algorithm based on testing and model checking

In this paper, we describe the method of finite state machine (FSM) induction using genetic algorithm with fitness function, cross-over and mutation based on testing and model checking. Input data for the genetic algorithm is a set of tests and a set of properties described using linear time logic. Each test consists of an input sequence of events and the corresponding output action sequence. In previous works testing and model checking were used separately in genetic algorithms. Usage of such an approach is limited because the behavior of system usually cannot be described by tests only. So, additional validation or verification is needed. Calculation of fitness function based only on verification do not perform well because there are very few possible values of fitness function (verification gives only "yes" or "no" answer). The approach described is tested on the problem of finite state machine induction for elevator doors controlling. Using tests only the genetic algorithm constructs the finite machine working improperly in some cases. Usage of verification allows to induct the correct finite state machine.