Survey on IoT security: Challenges and solution using machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology

Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most rapidly used technologies in the last decade in various applications. The smart things are connected in wireless or wired for communication, processing, computing, and monitoring different real-time scenarios. The things are heterogeneous and have low memory, less processing power. The implementation of the IoT system comes with security and privacy challenges because traditional based existing security protocols do not suitable for IoT devices. In this survey, the authors initially described an overview of the IoT technology and the area of its application. The primary security issue CIA (confidentially, Integrity, Availability) and layer-wise issues are identified. Then the authors systematically study the three primary technology Machine learning(ML), Artificial intelligence (AI), and Blockchain for addressing the security issue in IoT. In the end, an analysis of this survey, security issues solved by the ML, AI, and Blockchain with research challenges are mention.

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