Quantum mutual entropy and quantum capacity are rigorously defined by Ohya, and they are quite useful in the study of quantum communication processes. Mathematical models of optical communication processes are described by a quantum channel and optical states, and quantum capacity is one of the most important criteria to measure the efficiency of information transmission. In actual optical communication, a laser beam is used for a signal, and it is denoted mathematically by a coherent state. Further, optical communication using a squeezed state, which is expected to be more efficient than that using a coherent state is proposed. In this paper, we define several quantum channels, that is, a squeezed channel and a coherent channel and so on. We compare them by calculating quantum capacity.
D. Petz,et al.
Numerical Computation of Quantum Capacity
R. Schatten,et al.
Norm Ideals of Completely Continuous Operators
J. Neumann.
Mathematische grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
D. Petz,et al.
Quantum Entropy and Its Use
Masanori Ohya,et al.
Quantum ergodic channels in operator algebras
Masanori Ohya,et al.
On compound state and mutual information in quantum information theory
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
M. Ohya.
Fundamentals of Quantum Mutual Entropy and Capacity