This study aims to recommend a model of traceability system in mangosteen supply chain management using blockchain technology. The traceability system model is designed to ensure the acceptance of safe and quality mangosteen by consumers because consumers can search for information about mangosteen supply chain management. In this study, blockchain technology was chosen because with blockchain technology, traceability and capacity to share information about production processes will be made easier and trustworthy. Traceability takes center stage in organizations supply chain; furthermore, it is a tool in fighting product counterfeiting and protecting brands. Implementing blockchain can revolutionize the way a supply chain works.This research consists of three stages. The first is to identify the mangosteen export supply chain. Second, identify the form of data needed and used in mangosteen traceability. Third, the formulation of mangosteen traceability models or designs. The results of this study describe a model design how mangosteen traceability is carried out using blockchain technology.