Computational music remixing with EarSketch (abstract only)
Our work has focused on how to create a learning experience that is highly personally motivating for students, has a low barrier of entry for creation an artistic computational artifact, and is scalable for use in formal and informal education settings at the national level. We have created a learning environment called EarSketch that addresses student engagement through a STEAM learning experience that provides authentic learning in both the technical (i.e. computing) and artistic domains (i.e. music remixing). EarSketch is an integrated curriculum, software toolset, audio loop library, and social sharing site that teaches computing principles through digital music composition and remixing. Attendees will use Python to place audio clips, create rhythms, and add and control effects to a multi-track digital audio workstation (DAW) while learning computing concepts such as variables, iteration, conditionals, strings, lists, and functions. Participants write code to make music, with a focus on popular genres such as hip hop. The agenda outlines the pedagogy of connecting musical expression to computation. EarSketch has been used in introductory computing summer camps, secondary school classes, and is currently working towards integration with CS Principles pilot programs. All participants will need a laptop for running the EarSketch software. EarSketch will run on OSX and Windows laptops. Participants will also need headphones for listening to projects created using EarSketch. It is highly suggested that participants download the EarSketch installer at and install the software prior to the workshop.