Expert System of Multimedia Orange Planting

Passing to orange' planting intellective study of the gardening expert,we have worked over expert system of the multimedia orange' planting(MOES). MOES partition orange' yield to seven subsystems, viz. breed' choice, to alter earth and build orchard, to breed seeding, planting and engrafting, field' manage, prevention and cure of the plant diseases and insect pests, to pick and store.Knowledge's denotation form, viz. knowledge of the description, data, rule, aggregation etc were adopted.Some expert' decision-making sustaining systems, for example, soil' information systems, hyper text database, photograph database, knowledge' rule-base etc are used as supple mentary means.The methods of “bring”,“decision-making tree” and “weighted illegible logic”, to construct five decision-making modules, viz. the decision-making of breed, a period of seeding time, planting density, fertilizer and plant diseases and insect pests were also adopted.The authors have designed MOES' multimedia flow chart with Authorware qua tool. The programme is adopted the technique of configurable design.