Low cycle fatigue and elasto-plastic behaviour of materials--3

New materials and emerging technology. Thermal fatigue of an yttrium-modified single-crystal superalloy. Microstructural aspects. Microstructure and fatigue [invited lecture]. High temperature LCF. Creep-fatigue-oxidation interactions on the high temperature low-cycle fatigue damage of austenitic stainless steels: past, current and future [invited lecture]. Multiaxial conditions. Cyclic deformation and crack initiation in tubes under multiaxial loading. Constitutive equations. A constitutive relation for transient and stable cyclic loading [invited paper]. Short cracks and macrocracks. Microcrack density as an indication of accumulated fatigue damage. Environmental aspects. Effect of hold time and crevice corrosion on LCF-behaviour of turbine steels in boiler feed water at 90 degrees C. Design methods and practical experience. A numerical procedure to calculate residual stresses and fatigue life of presurized components after autofrettage. Life prediction. Low cycle fatigue life prediction of fossil plant components. Index.