신조 8,500GT 화학물 운반선의 여름철 선실 내 온열환경 실측평가
The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the indoor thermal conditions of a 8,500GT class chemical carrier which was launched on July 2007. The measurement was operated from 4th June to 5th June 2007, just before handing over to Owner. Followings are the results of this study. (1)The temperature variations of supply air were related to the outdoor temperature variations, but the humidity was stable at 65~80%. (2)The temperature variations at the representative position of bridge, restaurant, crew's cabin showed gentle slopes, but that of conference room was very steepy. The humidities of bridge and restaurant were unstable because of outdoor-contact and cooking, respectively. (4)The temperature and humidity of ECR(Engine Control Room) which was designed to supply heating and cooling by PAC(Package Air Conditioner) were directly affected by the operating conditions of PAC. (5)The measured supply air volume from dampers of bridge, crew's cabin and conference room were satisfied with the design supply air volume. (5)For the improvement of the indoor thermal conditions, the temperature of crew's cabin and restaurant, and the humidity of conference room, and the temperature and humidity of bridge should be controlled, respectively.