Analysis of a nonlinear torsional coupling having dynamic links—II

Summary In Part I3, the equations of motion were derived for a power-transmission system incorporating a new typo of torsional coupling, and exact solutions were given for system performance under steady-running and transient conditions. In the present part, an approximate solution is obtained for the system performance under steady-state forced oscillation, and various design considerations involved in the selection of system parameters are discussed. Because of the multiplo interactions of the displacements, velocities and accelerations representing the two degrees of freedom, an exact solution for the forced oscillations would appear to be quite difficult to obtain. Therefore, the system is linearized by neglecting products of the displacements and their derivatives. The frequency determinant, resonant frequency and load-displacement amplitude are determined. The results are presented in terms of a coefficient, a minimum value of which represents a minimum output oscillation amplitude per unit mean torque-carrying capacity for a given input-torque amplitude, driver and load inertia, and mean rotational velocity. The results of the analyses of steady-running, transient and forced-oscillation performance are applied to the determination of optimum proportions of the coupling elements for some typical applications.