The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory

I. Practices and Social Orders 1. Practices as Collective Action Barry Barnes 2. Human Practices and the Observability of the 'Macrosocial' Jeff Coulter 3. Practice Mind-ed Orders Theodore R. Schatzki 4. Pragmatic Regimes Governing the Engagement Laurent Thevenot 5. What Anchors Cultural Practices Ann Swidler II. Inside Practices 6. Wittgenstein and the Priority of Practice David Bloor 7. What is Tacit Knowledge H.M. Collins 8, Throwing Out the Tacit Rule Book: Learning and Practices Stephen Turner 9. Ethnomethodology and the Logic of Practice Michael Lynch III. Posthumanist Challenges 10. How Heidegger Defends the Possibility of a Correspondence Theory of Truth with Respect to the Entities of Natural Science Huber L. Dreyfus 11. Practice and Posthumanism: Social Theory and a History of Agency Andrew Pickering 12. Objectual Practice Karin Knorr Cetina 13. Two Concepts of Practices Joseph Rouse 14. Derridian Dispersion and Heideggerian Articulation: General Tendencies in the Practices that Govern Intelligibilty Charles Spinosa Bibilography Index

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