Ação de proteção de saúde vocal: perfil da população e correlação entre auto-avaliação vocal, queixas e avaliação fonoaudiológica perceptivo-auditiva e acústica

The sample consisted of 49 individuals taking part of an event about protection of vocal health, which was evaluated in 03 stages: 1- clinical history; self-evaluation of the voice by the analogic visual scale (EAV); 2- perceptive-hearing speech language pathology evaluation (AFPA); 3- voice acoustic (AA) registration (GRAM 5.1.7). Each individual received an specific orientation and the handbook of voice orientation. Under the profile of the population that was assisted at the protection action of vocal health, there was more occurrence between women, in the age group between 40 and 43, non-smoker and non-alchoolics, using the voice intensely everyday, independent from being or not voice professionals. The voice complaints were associated to the vocal alteration which was observed at the AFPA and the AA in 63% the cases. It was observed a statistics association on the relation between the points of EAV and the groups with and without vocal alteration in the AFPA and AA, with worse evaluation for the individuals with vocal alteration.