On the Inlet-Flow Field for a Two-Dimensional Supersonic Cascade with Curved Entrance Regions

This paper deals with an analytical study of the inlet-flow field for a two-dimensional cascade, where the axial flow is subsonic and the relative flow is supersonic. The case is considered as the flow model, where the suction surface of a blade is convex in the entrance region. By using this analysis, a complete inlet-flow field can be constructed, then the loss due to shock waves estimated. Two numerical examples for different circular entrance regions are given in the case where the Mach number is 1.6 at the end of the entrance region. The results in either case indicate that the pressure amplitude decreases gradually below about 4% of the dynamic pressure upstream at infinity in the place removed by more than about 1.5 blade space, and the loss due to shock waves is so small as to be negligible.