Adaptive digital multiprocessor systems for image processing applications
The aim of the project was to develop the digital processing capabilities of adaptive multiprocessor systems in image processing applications. Adaptive architectural configurations are the main area of investigation.
Chapter 1 briefly reviews image processing and outlines various associated image processing routines.
Chapter 2 describes various forms of system parallelism for image processing operations, and various interconnection networks are outlined and discussed.
Chapter 3 discusses four methods of decreasing the execution time of image processing algorithms. Image partitioning and adaptivity of a proposed system is discussed. Some system architectural considerations are discussed, and a brief comparison of crossbar, multiple bus and partial bus interconnection networks is presented. The redundancy in the partial bus is discussed and a new interconnection network is proposed.
Chapter 4 outlines the design, construction and testing of arbitration, processor and memory circuits for a section of the proposed multiprocessor system.
Chapter 5 discusses four methods of evaluating system performance and compares the performances of the multiple bus, partial bus and modified partial bus.
Conclusions for the project are given in Chapter 6 and a proposal for further work is presented.