Statistical comparison of the performance of heat pump, solar, and conventional water heaters in the Pacific Northwest
As a part of its overall efforts to encourage individual homeowners to conserve energy, Bonneville offered financial incentives through certain utilities to install heat pump and solar water heaters. These devices may offer the homeowner substantial energy savings, depending upon the equipment type and the site characteristics. Bonneville has a cooperative agreement with the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) to: identify and monitor 500 to 700 installed heat pump or solar heat water heaters in the Bonneville service region; provide site characteristics for the installations, including costs; measure electrical energy consumption for water heating; produce good quality data on computer tape; and report on data collection efforts. This data, combined with similar data for conventional electrical resistance water heaters, can be used to provide the basis for an accurate estimate of the energy savings potential of these advanced technologies. 2 refs., 31 figs., 33 tabs.