Alan Turing and the Origins of Complexity

The 75th anniversary of Turing’s seminal paper and his cente nnial year anniversary occur in 2011 and 2012, respectively. It is natural to review and assess Turing’s co ntributions in diverse fields in the light of new developments that his thoughts has triggered in many scientific comm unities. Here, the main idea is to discuss how the work of Turing allows us to change our views on the foundation s f Mathematics, much like quantum mechanics changed our conception of the world of Physics. Basic notion s like computability and universality are discussed in a broad context, making special emphasis on how the notion f complexity can be given a precise meaning after Turing, i.e., not just qualitative but also quantitat ive. Turing’s work is given some historical perspective with respect to some of his precursors, contemporaries and m athematicians who took up his ideas farther.

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