Determination of the neutrino mass by electron capture in $^{163}$Ho and the role of the three-hole states in $^{163}$Dy

Ho to 163 Dy is probably due to the small Q value of about 2.5 keV the best case to determine the neutrino mass by electron capture. The energy of the Q value is distributed between the excitation of Dysprosium (and the neglected small recoil of Holmium) and the relativistic energy of the emitted neutrino including the rest mass. The reduction of the upper end of the deexcitation spectrum of Dysprosium below the Q value allows to determine the neutrino mass. The excitation of Dysprosium can be calculated in the sudden approximation of the overlap of the electron wave functions of Holmium minus the captured electron and one- , two-, three- and multiple hole- excitations in Dysprosium. Robertson (R. G. H. Robertson, Phys. Rev. C91, 035504 (2015) and arViv: 1411.2906) and Faessler and Simkovic (Amand Faessler, Fedor Simkovic, accepted for Phys. Rev. C, March 2015 and arXiv: 1501.04338) have calculated the influence of the two-hole states on the Dysprosium spectrum. Here for the first time the influence of the three-hole states on the deexcitation bolometer spectrum of 163 Dysprosium is presented. The electron wave functions and the overlaps are calculated selfconsistently in a fully relativistic and antisymmetrized Dirac- Hartree-Fock approach in Holmium and in Dysprosium. The electron orbitals in Dy are determined including the one-hole states in the selfconsistent iteration. The influence of the three-hole states on the Dy deexcitation (by X-rays and Auger electrons) can hardly be seen. The three-hole states seem not to be relevant for the determination of the electron neutrino mass.