Changes in water use with growth in Ulmus pumila in semiarid sandy land of northern China

Key messageUlmus pumila vary its water use strategy from seedling to maturity in a water-limited sandy land by adopting different photosynthetical capacities, water use efficiencies and morphological traits.AbstractRegeneration failure of natural Ulmus pumila populations has become a growing concern related to vegetation conservation and prediction of environmental change in the sandy lands of northern China. To better understand the life-history strategies of U. pumila and its adaptation to drought in semiarid environments, we studied ecophysiological and morphological traits related to water use in an age sequence of U. pumila representing four age classes: current-year seedlings (Uc), age 2- to 5-year-old saplings (Us), juveniles (Uj), and mature trees (Um). A comparison of hydrogen isotope data in xylem sap, soil water in different layers and groundwater showed that Uc relied on the soil water in the topsoil (0–40 cm), Us and Uj absorbed soil water from deeper soil (>40 cm), while Um mainly used stable groundwater with very deep (>2 m) taproots. Significantly lower predawn leaf water potentials were observed in Uc than in Uj or Um, suggesting that Uc experienced more severe water stress and had a weaker capacity to recovery. Moreover, Uc had the highest daily maximum net assimilation rate, daily maximum transpiration rate and daily maximum stomatal conductance, all of which decreased remarkably at midday. A “go for broke” strategy is probably practiced by Uc which try to provide the growth they need to become established, but with a great risk of mortality. Um used a more conservative strategy by effectively regulating the instantaneous water-use efficiency, and maintaining both stable gas exchange levels and significantly higher long-term water-use efficiency. Uj endured and adapted to drought conditions by developing steeper leaf angles, denser leaf pubescence and more stomata than differently aged plants. Our findings illustrate that significantly different water-use strategies were developed by U. pumila trees as they grew from seedlings to maturity, which were based on different water sources.

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