대형상용차량을 위한 소형전기식 윤활유 자동 공급시스템 구현

One of the causes of malfunction of commercial vehicle is corrosion or wear. In order to prevent corrosion and wear, lubricants have to be supplied periodically. However, the period of lubrication usually depends on operator’s judgment. If the period is too short, excess lubricant will cause pollution and unnecessary expenses, where as long periodic supply of lubricant might cause wear, damage and eventual breakdown. Therefore, an automatic lubrication system with predetermined interval will reduce the excessive supply of lubricating oil and prevent wear and damage. This thesis presents an automatic lubrication system which consists of a lubricant pump and an embedded controller. An automatic lubrication operating algorithm is used to operate the lubricant pump and feedback the pressure status of the system using pressure sensors. The developed system shows an efficient periodic supply of lubricant.