KSSOLV—a MATLAB toolbox for solving the Kohn-Sham equations

We describe the design and implementation of KSSOLV, a MATLAB toolbox for solving a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problems known as the Kohn-Sham equations. These types of problems arise in electronic structure calculations, which are nowadays essential for studying the microscopic quantum mechanical properties of molecules, solids, and other nanoscale materials. KSSOLV is well suited for developing new algorithms for solving the Kohn-Sham equations and is designed to enable researchers in computational and applied mathematics to investigate the convergence properties of the existing algorithms. The toolbox makes use of the object-oriented programming features available in MATLAB so that the process of setting up a physical system is straightforward and the amount of coding effort required to prototype, test, and compare new algorithms is significantly reduced. All of these features should also make this package attractive to other computational scientists and students who wish to study small- to medium-size systems.

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