Clinical Trials: Intracerebral Cell Therapy in Stroke Patients

[1]  M. Walker,et al.  Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor for Mobilizing Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Subacute Stroke: The Stem Cell Trial of Recovery Enhancement After Stroke 2 Randomized Controlled Trial , 2012, Stroke.

[2]  K. Muir,et al.  Stem cell therapy in stroke: Designing clinical trials , 2011, Neurochemistry International.

[3]  J. Grotta,et al.  Intravenous autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells for ischemic stroke , 2011, Annals of neurology.

[4]  Takuya Matsunaga,et al.  Intravenous administration of auto serum-expanded autologous mesenchymal stem cells in stroke. , 2011, Brain : a journal of neurology.

[5]  Michael Chopp,et al.  Stem Cell Therapy as an Emerging Paradigm for Stroke (STEPS) II , 2011, Stroke.

[6]  D. Rosenbaum,et al.  Cell therapy for stroke , 2004, NeuroRX.

[7]  O. Bang,et al.  A Long‐Term Follow‐Up Study of Intravenous Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients With Ischemic Stroke , 2010, Stem cells.

[8]  Yu Luo Cell-based therapy for stroke , 2010, Journal of Neural Transmission.

[9]  T. Yasuhara,et al.  Notch-induced rat and human bone marrow stromal cell grafts reduce ischemic cell loss and ameliorate behavioral deficits in chronic stroke animals. , 2009, Stem cells and development.

[10]  D. Corbett,et al.  Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell‐derived neural precursor cells and enriched environment after cortical stroke in rats: cell survival and functional recovery , 2009, The European journal of neuroscience.

[11]  M. L. Bringas-Vega,et al.  Autologous bone marrow stem cell neurotransplantation in stroke patients. An open study. , 2009, Restorative neurology and neuroscience.

[12]  N. Bresolin,et al.  Stem cell therapy in stroke , 2009, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.

[13]  R. Guzman,et al.  Intravascular cell replacement therapy for stroke. , 2008, Neurosurgical focus.

[14]  J. Sinden,et al.  Development of a human neural stem cell line for use in recovery from disability after stroke. , 2008, Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library.

[15]  A. Blanco,et al.  Autologous bone-marrow mononuclear cell implantation in patients with severe lower limb ischaemia: a comparison of using blood cell separator and Ficoll density gradient centrifugation. , 2007, Atherosclerosis.

[16]  D. Hess,et al.  Transplantation of Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells: A Promising Therapy for Stroke , 2007, Cell transplantation.

[17]  Raphael Guzman,et al.  Cell Transplantation Therapy for Stroke , 2007, Stroke.

[18]  Yi Li,et al.  Therapeutic Benefit of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Administered 1 Month after Stroke , 2007, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

[19]  I. Black,et al.  Marrow Stromal Cells Transplanted to the Adult Brain Are Rejected by an Inflammatory Response and Transfer Donor Labels to Host Neurons and Glia , 2006, Stem cells.

[20]  Anthony Atala,et al.  Methods Of Tissue Engineering , 2006 .

[21]  Hung Li,et al.  Homing genes, cell therapy and stroke. , 2006, Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library.

[22]  P. Stieg,et al.  Neurotransplantation of Fetal Porcine Cells in Patients with Basal Ganglia Infarcts: A Preliminary Safety and Feasibility Study , 2005, Cerebrovascular Diseases.

[23]  Ross Zafonte,et al.  Neurotransplantation for patients with subcortical motor stroke: a phase 2 randomized trial. , 2005, Journal of neurosurgery.

[24]  Oh Young Bang,et al.  Autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in stroke patients , 2005, Annals of neurology.

[25]  K. Jin,et al.  Comparison of ischemia-directed migration of neural precursor cells after intrastriatal, intraventricular, or intravenous transplantation in the rat , 2005, Neurobiology of Disease.

[26]  D. Kondziolka,et al.  Changes in cognitive function after neuronal cell transplantation for basal ganglia stroke , 2004, Neurology.

[27]  D. Kondziolka,et al.  Evaluation of Surgical Techniques for Neuronal Cell Transplantation Used in Patients with Stroke , 2004, Cell transplantation.

[28]  H. Naritomi,et al.  Administration of CD34+ cells after stroke enhances neurogenesis via angiogenesis in a mouse model. , 2004, The Journal of clinical investigation.

[29]  Mari Dezawa,et al.  Specific induction of neuronal cells from bone marrow stromal cells and application for autologous transplantation. , 2004, The Journal of clinical investigation.

[30]  O. Isacson,et al.  Increased proportion of acetylcholinesterase-rich zones and improved morphological integration in host striatum of fetal grafts derived from the lateral but not the medial ganglionic eminence , 2004, Experimental Brain Research.

[31]  Yi Li,et al.  Treatment of neural injury with marrow stromal cells , 2002, The Lancet Neurology.

[32]  M. Chopp,et al.  Intravenous Administration of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Reduces Behavioral Deficits After Stroke in Rats , 2001, Stroke.

[33]  D. Kondziolka,et al.  Serial [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography after Human Neuronal Implantation for Stroke , 2001, Neurosurgery.

[34]  M. Chopp,et al.  Therapeutic benefit of intracerebral transplantation of bone marrow stromal cells after cerebral ischemia in rats , 2001, Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

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[38]  J. Trojanowski,et al.  Transplantation of Cryopreserved Human Embryonal Carcinoma-Derived Neurons (NT2N Cells) Promotes Functional Recovery in Ischemic Rats , 1998, Experimental Neurology.

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[40]  H. Nishino,et al.  Neural Transplantation as an Experimental Treatment Modality for Cerebral Ischemia , 1997, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

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[42]  J. Trojanowski,et al.  Transplanted human neurons derived from a teratocarcinoma cell line (NTera‐2) mature, integrate, and survive for over 1 year in the nude mouse brain , 1995, The Journal of comparative neurology.

[43]  C. Borlongan,et al.  Elevated body swing test: a new behavioral parameter for rats with 6- hydroxydopamine-induced hemiparkinsonism , 1995, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

[44]  T. Deacon,et al.  A novel mode of immunoprotection of neural xenotransplants: Masking of donor major histocompatibility complex class I enhances transplant survival in the central nervous system , 1995, Neuroscience.

[45]  O. Isacson,et al.  Cytoarchitectonic Development, Axon-Glia Relationships, and Long Distance Axon Growth of Porcine Striatal Xenografts in Rats , 1994, Experimental Neurology.

[46]  B. Johansson,et al.  Functional Recovery after Brain Infarction: Plasticity and Neural Transplantation , 1994, Brain pathology.

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