Poster: A Multi-Drone Platform for Empowering Drones' Teamwork

The rapid development of UAV technology has opened up numerous applications. Further, cooperating drones\footnote{In this paper, we refer to all types of UAVs as drones.} possess a great potential in various areas of applications. Yet, there has not been a platform for a fleet of drones. It is rather difficult to control multiple drones through a single ground control station. In fact, drones need to consistently exchange flight information to maintain the formation of the fleet and follow the commands given from the GCS. Thus, drones need a robust network established among the fleet to provide a fleet control. In this paper, we propose Net-Drone, a multi-drone platform for applications that require cooperation of multiple drones. Net-Drone is equipped with strong network functionalities to provide a control system for a fleet of drones. Through case studies conducted with a prototype implementation, the proposed system is demonstrated. Video of the conducted case study can be found in