
Methods in Molecular Biology Series Editor: John M. Walker Volume: Drosophila: Methods and Protocols Edited by Christian Dahmann, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany Contents Preface Contributors 1 Drosophila melanogaster and the Development of Biology in the XX century Alfonso Martinez Arias 2 Getting started: An overview on raising and using Drosophila Hugo Stocker and Peter Gallant 3 FlyBase: A database for the Drosophila research community Rachel Drysdale 4 The use of P-element transposons to generate transgenic flies Andre Bachmann and Elisabeth Knust 5 The GAL4 system: a versatile system for the expression of genes David A. Elliott and Andrea H. Brand 6 P-element mutagenesis Thomas Hummel and Christian Klambt 7 EMS Screens: From mutagenesis to screening and mapping Christian Bokel 8 RNAi screening in cultured Drosophila cells Sandra Steinbrink and Michael Boutros 9 Methods for homologous recombination in Drosophila Keith A. Maggert, Wei J Gong, and Kent G. Golic 10 Recombinases and their use in gene activation, gene inactivation, and transgenesis Johannes Bischof and Konrad Basler 11 Cuticle preparation of Drosophila embryos and larvae Cyrille Alexandre 12 Immunolabelling of embryos H.- Arno J. Muller 13 Imaging cellular and molecular dynamics in live embryos using fluorescent proteins Matthieu Cavey and Thomas Lecuit 14 Analysis of neuromuscular junctions: histology and in vivo imaging Andreas Schmid and Stephan J. Sigrist 15 Immunolabelling of imaginal discs Thomas Klein 16 Imaging Drosophila pupal wing morphogenesis Anne-Kathrin Classen, Benoit Aigouy, Angela Giangrande, and SuzanneEaton 17 Microscopic analysis of the adult Drosophila retina using semi thin plastic sections Konstantin Gaengel and Marek Mlodzik 18 Fluorescent in situ hybridization protocols in Drosophila embryos and tissues Eric Lecuyer, Neela Parthasarathy, and Henry M. Krause 19 Linear RNA amplification for the production of microarray hybridization probes Ansgar Klebes and Thomas B. Kornberg 20 An overview of the identification, detection, and functional analysis of Drosophila microRNAs Nicholas Sokol 21 Extraction and immunoblotting of proteins from embryos Andreas Wodarz 22 Purification of Drosophila protein complexes for mass spectrometry Christoph Juschke and Jurgen A. Knoblich 23 Mass production of Drosophila embryos and chromatographic purification of native protein complexes Natascha Kunert and Alexander Brehm 24 Flow cytometric analysis of Drosophila cells Aida Flor A. de la Cruz and Bruce A. Edgar 25 Drosophila cell lines as model systems and as an experimental tool Buzz Baum and Lucy Cherbas Index

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