Analisis Kesalahan Siswa dalam Menyelsaikan Soal Sistem Persamaan Linier Dua Variabel Bentuk Cerita Berdasarkan Metode Analisis Kesalahan Newman pada Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 1 Masaran Tahun 2017/2018

This study aims to describe the errors that students make based on Newman analysis and know the factors that affect errors and solutions to minimize the error. This research is qualitative descriptive research, involving 32 students from grade VIII F SMP N 1 Masaran. Data collection techniques in this study are interviews and observation. The results of this study can be concluded that Five mistakes made by students: (1) Error Reading Problem, students can go through the stage of reading the story of the system of linear equations two variables well. (2) ErrorUnderstanding Problem, Students do not write down the part in know or inquire. (3) Transformation mistakes, students are wrong in crafting equations, and failing to transform into the correct mathematical equations. (4) Error of Process Skills, students miscalculate or computation, do not perform systematic and wrong stages in manipulating variables or numbers. (5) Error Writing Answer, students are wrong in writing answers, not complete in writing the final answer and do not write descriptions in accordance with the desired. Factors that cause students to experience errors in doing the problem include: Students are less thorough in reading problems, experiencing problems in understanding the meaning contained in the matter, less mastering the material, less thorough in making mathematical models, students do not write the permisalan in use in mathematical model, forget what the next step after changing the sentence in the matter into the model, Students are not used to write down the answers requested by the problem, Students rush so as not to check back the results of his work.