Consistent particle systems and duality

We consider consistent particle systems, which include independent random walkers, the symmetric exclusion and inclusion processes, as well as the dual of the KMP model. Consistent systems are such that the distribution obtained by first evolving n particles and then removing a particle at random is the same as the one given by a random removal of a particle at the initial time followed by evolution of the remaining n-1 particles. We show that, for reversible systems, the property of consistency is equivalent to self-duality, thus obtaining a novel probabilistic interpretation of the self-duality property. We also show that when a particle system is consistent, adding independent absorbing sites preserves this property. As a consequence, for a consistent system with absorption, the particle absorption probabilities satisfy universal recurrence relations. Since particle systems with absorption are often dual to boundary-driven non-equilibrium systems, the consistency property implies recurrence relations for expectations of duality polynomials in non-equilibrium steady states. We illustrate these relations with several examples.