인포메이션 가이드맵 인터페이스에 관한 연구
A map-making, which gives the information to find a way for the visitors, is the aystallization of the information design. A good map is to easily catch sight of the needed information. How far the existing campus maps could do the function in this point of view, and could the information then be transmitted as expected? Mapping the area occupied The Kwanak campus of seoul National University (SNU) is an equally imposing proposition and traditionally the maps produced have long been regarded as inadequate, containing insuffident and inaccurate information, which often misleads the user. My first task in collaboration with my dass of undergraduate students was to take these existing maps and thoroughly examine their usefulness, paying particular regard to the possibility of integrating the online digital technology within the university's web site, in order to maximize their value. The advantage of incorporating an online interpretation is that it has the facility of hypertext, infinitive space and the efficient search characteristics, being able to enlarge detail on demand, zooming in and out at will. These are luxuries that the offline maps cannot enjoy, simply limited by their two dimensional state. Would it be possible to integrate the virtual language of the online - the diagrams, the icons and introductory text, with the paper version and all its drawbacks? can one expect this integration to be as convenient as a well-conceived offline version? The basis of this inquiry is therefore to explore the potential of an 'eMap' for the Kwanak campus. It is to be a true aid by which to navigate the location, be interactive enough to provide personal interpretations and have the capacity for translation as a printed artifact. The aim of this study was to produce a customized Interactive map for each scenario under the Traffic/Service/ Administration headings for Student/Staff/Visitor, designed to demonstrate how each could locate a particular place - an Information Guide Map. To accomplish this, I intend to present a new navigation interface and enlightened methods of map-making.