Pengaruh Penerapan Mini Library dan Digital Library Terhadap Minat Baca Siswa

Yayasan Arrahman is a foundation that is engaged in education by having 4 schools, they are play group, elementary, and junior high school. Because of a less facilities, students and teacher visit the library rarely. So that, this program proposed to build a mini library and a digital library to improve student’s passion in reading. The methods that have been implemented include the preparation, mini library construction, digital library development, digital library management training, librarian assistance, and the also evaluation. The mini libraries construction was carried out by procuring goods and furniture, while the digital library development was carried out with Senayan Library Management ystem (SLIMS) software configuration which is a standardized library information system. Thus, this program has successfully built a mini library and digital library in the SD Plus Arrahman and SMP Plus Arrahman Kediri. The results obtained are increased understanding and skills of librarians in library management services. It is also increase library visitor when break time and after having school.