Differential homing and engraftment properties of hematopoietic progenitor cells from murine bone marrow, mobilized peripheral blood, and fetal liver.

The rate of reconstitution following hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation differs widely depending on the tissue source of the cells infused. To test the hypothesis that variability in engraftment kinetics is related to differences in the efficiency with which intravenously transplanted HSCs "home" to the bone marrow (BM), the homing properties of murine fetal liver (FL), adult BM, and mobilized peripheral blood (MPB) cells were compared. Lethally irradiated mice transplanted with 2 x 10(6) FL, BM, or MPB cells exhibited sequentially slower recovery of circulating leukocytes and platelets that correlates with the progressively lower frequency of colony-forming cells (CFCs) in these tissues. However, differences in the rate and degree of early and long-term reconstitution were maintained even after infusing equal numbers of CFCs derived from FL, BM, and MPB. To compare the homing of progenitors from these tissues, cells were labeled with fluorescent PKH26 dye and injected into lethally irradiated hosts. Three hours later, PKH26(+) cells were reisolated from the BM and spleen by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and assayed for in vitro CFCs. Despite the higher level of very late antigen (VLA)-2, VLA-4, and VLA-5 on Sca-1(+)c-kit(+) cells from FL compared to BM, 10-fold fewer FL CFCs homed to hematopoietic organs than those from BM. MPB cells homed slightly better, but still less efficiently than BM cells. Therefore, clonogenic cells from different tissues exhibit striking variations in homing efficiency that does not necessarily correlate with engraftment kinetics. Homing is likely counterbalanced by intrinsic differences in proliferative potential that ultimately determine the rate of hematopoietic reconstitution.

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