Identification of some new rabi sorghum hybrids for shoot fly resistance and grain yield
Twenty newly developed rabi sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) hybrids along with two hybrid controls (CSH-15R and CSH-19R) were evaluated in 2003 in Akola, Maharashtra, India for shoot fly resistance and grain yield. For number of eggs per plant, hybrids AKSH-183R (0.97), AKSH-182R (0.98), AKSH-194R (0.97), AKSH-179R (1.03), AKSH-189R (1.05), AKSH-195R (1.17) exhibited statistically superior performances over the controls (CSH-15R (2.0) and CSH-19R (2.33)). For seedling height, new hybrids AKSH-181R (29.00 cm), AKSH-182R (28.67 cm), AKSH-183R (29.33 cm), AKSH-184R (28.67 cm), AKSH-193R (29.00 cm), AKSH-194R (29.00 cm) showed statistical superiority over the control CSH-19R (26.00 cm). For shootfly dead heart percentage, the new hybrids AKSH-179R (6.75%), AKSH-181R (11.30%), AKSH-182R (8.33%), AKSH-184R (7.16%), AKSH-187R (21.09%), AKSH-188R (21.09%), AKSH-189R (8.47%), AKSH-190R (15.33%), AKSH-191R (4.52%), AKSH-192R (19.29%), AKSH-194R (7.42%), AKSH-195R (3.87%), AKSH-196R (25.72%) and AKSH-197R (6.64%) showed statistical superiority and were promising over the controls. For grain yield per plant, new hybrids AKSH-182R (72.33 g), AKSH-187R (70.00 g), AKSH-190R (67.67 g), AKSH-194R (60.00 g) and AKSH-195R (66.67 g) showed statistical significance over the controls (45.00 g for CSH-15R and 50.00 g for CSH-19R). Generally, hybrids AKSH-182R, AKSH-187R, AKSH-194R, AKSH-195R had more shootfly resistance and high grain yield.