Decay heat production in a TRU burner

The design of new reactors such as ADS has been investigated in many countries during the last years for burning transuranic nuclides (TRUs) contained in spent reactor fuel. To increase the TRU incineration rate, fertile-free dedicated fuels, which may contain a large fraction of minor actinides (MAs), are currently considered. Based on past experience, R&D activities for dedicated fuels in Europe concentrate on fuel forms, in which the oxide actinide phase is mixed with oxide or metal inert matrices. Decay heat in a system with inert matrix fuel (IMF) containing MAs may differ from that in a conventional fast reactor. In this paper, several fast reactor designs with different TRU content are considered and related decay heat values, calculated on the basis JEFF 3.0 and JEFF 3.1 nuclear data libraries, are compared. It is shown that some decay heat components for fuels with MAs may be lower than those for MA-free fuels, but the total decay heat may be significantly higher for cooling times exceeding about 1 min.