A Framework for Dynamic Updating of Service Pack in the Internet of Things

In the internet of things (IOT), tag, reader and sensor are invisible, but they are embedded in real-world entities, which monitor and control smart devices. A key challenge of IOT is to assure high reliability software in a scalable and dynamic computing environment for data dissemination and task cooperation among sensor nodes. To effectively manage such data delivery and sensor cooperation, sensor networks may need data dissemination and cooperation protocol, such as the Sensor Data Transmission and Cooperation Service (SDTCS), which makes it easy to deal with complicated data delivery and sensor cooperation. To support higher reliability, sensor software is often required to provide updating service pack during mission execution owing to dynamic context environment. Therefore, Dynamic Software Updates (DSU) can be effectively applied for the IOT applications. This paper presents dynamic updating approach for SDTCS IOT applications. The proposed approach consists of the following:(1)one-sink-to-one-sensor;(2)one-sink-to-k-coverage-sensor;(3) multiple-sink-to-all-coverage-sensor. Performance analysis results for the suggestion protocol with different numbers of sensor nodes, different strategies are selected, which support high reliability and seamless service for SDTCS IOT applications.

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