PCCTS reference manual: version 1.00

This document describes the structure and use of the Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set (PCCTS), a set of public domain software tools designed to facilitate the implementation of compilers and other translation systems. Distribution of PCCTS is managed by an email server that reads the Sub J e c t : line of each email sent to pccts@ecn.purdue, edu. A missing or undecipherable Sub j e c t : line will cause the system to reply with email explaining how to use the server. Full C source code for PCCTS, various examples, and on-line documentation are available. PCCTS was developed within the School of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University, supported in part by NSF award number 8624385A3-CDR. As a public domain software release, Purdue University and the authors provide the system strictly on an "as-is" basis, without warranty or liability. Despite this, bug reports and fixes are welcome.