A commutative ring R is called an AM-ring (for allgemeine multiplikationsring) if whenever A and B are ideals of R with A properly contained in B, then there is an ideal C of R such that A = BC. An AM-ring R in which RA = A for each ideal A of R is called a multiplication ring. Krull introduced the notion of a multiplication ring in [11], [13]. Akizuki is responsible for the more general concept of an AM-ring in [1], but Mori has developed most of the structure theory for such rings in [14], [15], [16], [17], and [18]. An important property of an AM-ring R is that R satisfies what Gilmer called condition (*) in [ 7 ] and [8 ]: An ideal of R with prime radical is primary. In ? 1, new results concerning rings in which (*) holds are given. These are applied to obtain structure theorems for AM-rings in ? 2. In [10, p. 737], Krull introduced the notion of the kernel of an ideal A in a commutative ring R, which is defined thusly: if Pa } is the collection of minimal prime ideals of A, then by an isolated primary component of A belonging to Pa we mean the intersection Qa of all Pay-primary ideals which contain A. The kernel of A is the intersection of all Qa's. Mori considered rings in which every ideal is equal to its kernel in [ 16] and [ 17 ]. In ? 1, it is shown that a ring R satisfies (*) if and only if every ideal of R is equal to its kernel. In ?2 of this paper, we consider rings R satisfying condition (F): If A and P are ideals of R such that P is prime and A is properly contained in P, there is an ideal B such that A = PB. Theorems 12 and 13 show that such a ring is an AM-ring. This generalizes a result proved by Mott in [19] for rings with unit. This theorem might be compared with the result of Cohen [3, Theorem 2, p. 29], that a ring in which every prime ideal is finitely generated is a Noetherian ring and to the theorem of Nakano in [ 20, p. 234] which states that every nonzero ideal of an integral domain D with unit is invertible provided every nonzero prime ideal of D is invertible. In addition, several new sets of necessary and sufficient conditions that a ring R be an AM-ring are given in ? 2. An equally significant aspect of ? 2 in our eyes is that in the process of proving Theorem 12, many of the known results concerning AM-rings are proved in a way we feel is clearer and more straight-
J. L. Mott,et al.
Equivalent Conditions for a Ring to Be a Multiplication Ring
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
R. Gilmer.
Commutative rings containing at most two prime ideals.
R. Gilmer.
On a classical theorem of Noether in ideal theory.
J. Gilmer.
Extension of results concerning rings in which semi-primary ideals are primary
W. Krull.
Über Laskersche Ringe
S. Mori.
Über Idealtheorie der Multiplikationsringe
Shinjiro Mori.
Struktur der Multiplikationsringe
Keizô Asano.
Über kommutative Ringe, in denen jedes Ideal als Produkt von Primidealen darstellbar ist
I. S. Cohen,et al.
Commutative rings with restricted minimum condition
Shinjiro Mori.
Über die Symmetrie des Prädikates "Relativ Prim"
S. Mori.
Axiomatische Begründung des Multiplikationsringes
W. Krull.
Idealtheorie in Ringen ohne Endlichkeitsbedingung