Distortion analysis of the acceleration produced by the Western Gear Corporation model 4010 high amplitude vibration machine. AMRL-TR-65-27.
Abstract : The acceleration environment produced by the Western Gear Model 4010 High Amplitude Vibration Machine was surveyed at even fundamental frequencies from 2 to 20 cps at two levels of acceleration, 1 G and 2 G. The frequency components of the motion up to 50 cps were determined by a M-H 9050 Automatic Wave Analyzer and are presented in the form of harmonic distributions for each fundamental. The 'total distortion figure' and 'overall distortion figure' are used as measures of the fidelity with which the acceleration wave approximates a pure sine wave of the fundamental frequency. The data dictated that the 1 G acceleration was more distorted than the 2 G and that at both levels the distortion increased with frequency. (Author)