Teaching Simple Past Tense to the Eleventh Grade Students of MA NahdlatulMuslimin in Academic Year 2013/2014 by Using Puppet

Teaching English in senior high school is oriented to master the skill of English.Beside that, teaching English is also oriented to master the language components. There are grammar, pronunciation, etc. It is known that grammar is the important one in English teaching learning process. So, it is expected for the students to master grammar.Media have been used in this research to increase students’ mastery of the simple past tense is puppet. Puppet is a media which is made from picture and have stem to hold on. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a significant difference of the mastery of simple past tense of the eleventh grade students of MA NahdlatulMusliminin the academic year 2013/2014 before and after being taught by using puppet. This is quantitative research, which relies on quantitative data based on computation and measurement, operational variables and statistics. The design of the research is experimental. The experimental design is one group pretest posttest.Before doing pretest, the writer gives test to know the reliability of the test, and then it is continued by pretest, giving treatment, and the last is giving posttest. The subject of the research is the XI IPS 3. It consists of 42 students. The instrument of the research was test. The result of this research shows that (i) the mastery of simple past tense of the eleventh grade students of MA NahdlatulMuslimin in the academic year 2013/2014 before being taught by using puppet islow. The score of mean and deviation standard are 53.8 and 8.22. Meanwhile, the mastery of simple past tense of the eleventh grade students of MA NahdlatulMuslimin in the academic year 2013/2014 after being taught by using puppet is categorized excellent. The score of mean and standard deviation are 80.1 and 5.64. The calculation of t-test gets result 34.02 with the level of significant 0.05 and degree of freedom (df) 41 which is gained N – 1, t-table is 2.021. It is concluded that there is significant difference between the mastery of simple past tense of the eleventh grade students of MA NahdlatulMuslimin in the academic year 2013/2014 before and after being taught by using puppet. Considering the process and results of this research, the writer suggests that the English teacher should be more creative and innovative in selecting the suitable methods and media in teaching learning process. Puppet can be used as alternative media to teach tense. In fact, puppet can help the mastery of simple past tense and solve students’ bored in the classroom. Besides, the students should be more active during teaching learning process.