A Validation Plan for Pilot Models Developed for New Larger Airplanes

This paper will describe a plan for validation of two pilot models developed for a B747-400 aircraft in balked landing and missed approach maneuvers. The plan will describe statistical methods developed for such validations. It is also intended to show that the models capture the variability observed in the flight simulator data. This includes both intra-pilot variability and inter- pilot variability. The validated models will have application in developing criteria and specific models to be used in the design of flight procedures and airports. I. Introduction N recent decades TsAGI has developed approximate methods in order to estimate the probability of high deviations (significantly higher than standard deviations) of phase coordinates of dynamic systems. These methods were applied to some problems of flight dynamics. This paper will describe these methods with consideration given to the validation of models of pilots using the flight director in the execution of the go-around maneuver during either a missed approach or a balked landing. The validation plan will be a result of a cooperation among The Boeing Company; Airbus, the following national research organizations: Central Aero-Hydrodynamics Institute and Flight Research Institute in the Russian Federation, QinetiQ in England, National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) in the Netherlands; and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States; and the following regulatory agencies: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States, Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC/MAK) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Civil Aviation Authority in the Netherlands, and Eurocontrol. I