Freezing and thawing of vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants can lead to formation of aggregates and loss in vaccine potency. We sought to understand whether and to what extent the freeze-thaw damage to aluminum adjuvants would differ based on suspension state (flocculation and settlement) at the time of freezing. As flocculation and settlement characteristics of aluminum adjuvants are driven largely by the electrostatic charges on the adjuvant particles, which, in turn, are strongly influenced by the pH of the suspension, we conducted freeze-thaw studies on both Adjuphos and Alhydrogel™ samples at three pH levels (4, 6.5, and 7.2) in buffer solutions with 9% sucrose. Significantly less aggregation occurred in the buffered sucrose solutions at the pH furthest from the aluminum adjuvant point of zero charge during slow freezing at -20°C. The freezing-induced aggregation for the samples with 9% sucrose at each pH was minimal during fast freezing at -70°C and -115°C. Suspensions that were flocculated and settled to a greater extent experienced the most freeze-thaw aggregation, whereas suspensions that were frozen before significant flocculation and settlement occurred showed little or no aggregation. Because pH of formulation can affect flocculation and settling time, it indirectly affects the extent of freeze-thaw aggregation.
Theodore W Randolph,et al.
Influence of particle size and antigen binding on effectiveness of aluminum salt adjuvants in a model lysozyme vaccine.
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
J. Carpenter,et al.
Inhibition of aggregation of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant during freezing and drying.
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
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Effect of pH on the Elution of Model Antigens from Aluminum-Containing Adjuvants.
Journal of colloid and interface science.
Dexiang Chen,et al.
Development of a freeze-stable formulation for vaccines containing aluminum salt adjuvants.
A. Morin,et al.
Influence of protein conformation and adjuvant aggregation on the effectiveness of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant in a model alkaline phosphatase vaccine.
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences.
J. White,et al.
Mechanism of freeze-thaw instability of aluminum hydroxycarbonate and magnesium hydroxide gels.
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences.