Statistica for Windows ′97 Edition (Release 5.1) StatSoft 2300 East 14th St., Tulsa, OK 74104 918/749-1119, fax 918/749-2217;
A wide variety of options are offered to increase the appearance and analytical power of all displays, including interactive operations on g;raphs,a wide selection of built-in drawing and object-embedding options, and a number of methods by which g;raphscan be integ;rated or dynamically linked (via OLE) with objectsof any type created by other applications. STATISTICA for Windows is a comprehensive, integrated statistical data analysis, graphics, and database management system featuring a wide selection of basic and advanced analytic procedures for science, engineering, and business. In addition to the general statistical and graphics procedures, STATISTICA includes specialized modules for social scientists, biomedical researchers, and engineers. All modules are available to the user as part of an integrated package.