Innovative Curriculum Modifications for a Telecommunications Engineering Technology Degree

Southern Polytechnic State University's Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET) department possesses a 4-year, multidisciplinary Telecommunication Engineering Technology (TCET) degree program that has evolved via a process of continuous improvement. Internal examination and external pressures (changing technological base and employment marketplace) continue to influence the modification of the curriculum in several innovative ways including: structural changes (prerequisites and elective vs. required course balance), chosen electives, capstone course evolution, and a basic introduction to telecommunications in the Fundamental's course. After a periodic re-evaluation of the TCET curriculum two generic telecommunication- specific electives were added, while courses deemed unnecessary to the future success of the program were dropped; wireless systems and network security courses are currently being developed as new electives. In conjunction with the aforementioned course changes certain prerequisites were added, dropped, or modified to better accommodate current course content requirements and associated student registration needs. A TCET capstone course was created (from a former telecom project course) to immerse students in a team-oriented, multi-layered telecommunications scenario requiring the successful application of skills and knowledge obtained during their degree program. Collectively these modifications were/are being implemented to improve the overall program quality and enhance the prospects of attracting additional students.