Complete and Simultaneous Spectral Observations of the Black Hole X-Ray Nova XTE J1118+480

The X-ray nova XTE J1118+480 suffers minimal extinction (b = 62 degrees) and therefore represents an outstanding opportunity for multiwavelength studies. Hynes et al. (2000) conducted the first such study, which was centered on 2000 April 8 using UKIRT, EUVE, HST and RXTE. On 2000 April 18, the Chandra X-ray Observatory obtained data coincident with a second set of observations using all of these same observatories. A 30 ks grating observation using Chandra yielded a spectrum with high resolution and sensitivity covering the range 0.24-7 keV. Our near-simultaneous observations cover approximately 80% of the electromagnetic spectrum from the infrared to hard X-rays. The UV/X-ray spectrum of XTE J1118+480 consists of two principal components. The first of these is an approximately 24 eV thermal component which is due to an accretion disk with a large inner disk radius: > 35 Schwarzschild radii. The second is a quasi power-law component that was recorded with complete spectral coverage from 0.4-160 keV. A model for this two-component spectrum is presented in a companion paper by Esin et al. (2001).