Upgrade of Bragg Edge Analysis Techniques of the RITS Code for Crystalline Structural Information Imaging

Abstract The RITS code was developed for quantitative evaluation and visualization of crystalline structural information (e.g. crystallographic texture, preferred crystal orientation, crystallite block size and crystal lattice strain, etc.) of a material, analyzing position-dependent Bragg edge transmission spectra measured in an imaging experiment with pulsed neutrons. Originally, this code was neither able to deal with all the crystal structures that were classified into 230 types of space groups, nor applicable to materials composed of multi elements and multi crystalline phases. Therefore, we improved the RITS code for expansion of its capability, and then performed some demonstrations of simulation calculations and profile fitting analyses of experimental data. In this article, we present the new algorithm and the new functions of the improved RITS code, and the results of the simulation calculations and the experimental data analyses.

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