5.8 A 32×32-Pixel 0.9THz Imager with Pixel-Parallel 12b VCO-Based ADC in 0.18μm CMOS

There are many compelling characteristics of signals in the terahertz band (100GHz to 10THz) located between the millimeter wave band and the infrared band. In particular, terahertz waves have higher spatial resolution than mm-waves. Moreover, they can transmit through various substances such as plastics, fibers and paper, and can detect hazardous substances. Because of these features, interest in terahertz applications such as security screening is rising. However, there is a paucity of low-cost terahertz detectors. The Si-CMOS process technology is low-cost and highly integratable with readout electronics and on-chip signal processors. A key consideration for many of the terahertz-detector technologies is the need for additional process steps to make them compatible with CMOS technologies [1]. Recent antenna-type pixel detectors have shown success in high-speed operation and do not require extra process steps [2]; however, power consumption of each pixel and the sequential read-out architecture offsets the speed advantage.