Anisomycin-activated protein kinases p45 and p55 but not mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK-1 and -2 are implicated in the induction of c-fos and c-jun

Independent of its ability to block translation, anisomycin intrinsically initiates intracellular signals and immediate-early gene induction [L. C. Mahadevan and D. R. Edwards, Nature (London) 349:747-749, 1991]. Here, we characterize further its action as a potent, selective signalling agonist. In-gel kinase assays show that epidermal growth factor (EGF) transiently activates five kinases: the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases ERK-1 and -2, and three others, p45, p55, and p80. Anisomycin, at inhibitory and subinhibitory concentrations, does not activate ERK-1 and -2 but elicits strong sustained activation of p45 and p55, which are unique in being serine kinases whose detection is enhanced with poly-Glu/Tyr or poly-Glu/Phe copolymerized in these gels. Translational arrest using emetine or puromycin does not activate p45 and p55 but does prolong EGF-stimulated ERK-1 and -2 activation. Rapamycin, which blocks anisomycin-stimulated p70/85S6k activation without affecting nuclear responses, has no effect on p45 or p55 kinase. p45 and p55 are activable by okadaic acid or UV irradiation, and both kinases phosphorylate the c-Jun NH2-terminal peptide 1-79, putatively placing them within c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) subfamily of MAP kinases. Thus, the EGF- and anisomycin-activated kinases p45 and p55 are strongly implicated in signalling to c-fos and c-jun, whereas the MAP kinases ERK-1 and -2 are not essential for this process.

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