In this paper we develop a functor-driven approach to natural language generation which pairs logical forms, expressed in first-order predicate logic, with syntactically well-formed English sentences. Grammatical knowledge is expressed in the fi 'amework of categorial unifieation-qrammars developed by Karttunen (1986), Wit tenburg (1986), Uszkoreit (1986), and Zeevat et. al. (1987). The semantic component of the g rammar makes crucial use of the principle of minimal type assignment whose importance has been independently motivated in recent work in natural language semantics (see Partee and Rooth 1983). The principle of type-raising as necessary which follows fi'om minimal type assignment has been implemented using Wittenburg 's (1987,1989) idea of supereombinators. This use of supercombinators to achieve semantic compatibil i ty of types generalizes Wit tenburg 's strictly syntactic use of such combinators. The use of categorial unification grammars makes it possible to develop an efficient top-down control regime for natural language generation. Rather than generating the syntactic output string in a leftotoright fashion, our algorithm always generates that part of the output string first that belongs to the funetor category in a given phrase, before it generates any of the arguments of the functor category. This fnnctor-driven strategy is similar to the headdriven approach to natural language generation developed by Shieber el. al. (1989). However, unlike the head-driven approach, which uses a mixed regime of top-down and bot tom-up processing, our algor i thm always has sufficient top-down information to guide the generation process. Moreover, due to the principle of minimal type assigmnent in the semantics, our approach avoids problems of efficiency that arise for the head-driven approach for those classes of grammars that do not satisfy this principle. The work reported here is implemented in the natural language system UNICORN, which can be used for natural language parsing (see Gerdemann and Hinrichs 1989) and na.tural language generation. 2 . T h e G r a m m a r F o r m a l i s m : C a t e g o r i m U n i f i c a t i o n G r a m m a r
Gertjan van Noord,et al.
A Semantic-Head-Driven Generation Algorithm for Unification-Based Formalisms
Hans Uszkoreit.
Categorial Unification Grammars
Richard Montague,et al.
The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English
Emmon W. Bach,et al.
Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures
Mark Steedman,et al.
Dependency and Coordination in the Grammar of Dutch and English
Stuart M. Shieber,et al.
A Uniform Architecture for Parsing and Generation
Mark Steedman,et al.
Combinators and Grammars
Robert E. Wall,et al.
Predictive Normal Forms for Composition in Categorical Grammars
Lauri Karttunen,et al.
D-PATR: A Development Environment for Unification-Based Grammars
Kent Barrows Wittenburg,et al.
Natural language parsing with combinatory categorial grammar in a graph-unification-based formalism
Kent Wittenburg,et al.
Predictive Combinators: a Method for Efficient Processing of Combinatory Categorial Grammars
Ivan A. Sag,et al.
Information-based syntax and semantics