AlInP–AlGaInP Quantum-Well Lasers Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

We have examined a possibility to use an AlxIn1-x P layer as an active region of a 650-nm semiconductor laser. Encouraging results have been obtained with compressively strained oxide-stripe AlInP-AlGaInP quantum-well lasers, which operated in continuous-wave mode at room temperature, producing an optical power of 460 and 320 mW per uncoated facet at 10 degC and 20 degC, respectively. In pulsed mode, a power level of 780 mW/facet was achieved at 2-A drive current at 5 degC. The results indicate that wide-bandgap AlInP affords an opportunity to develop lasers for the wavelengths 600leslambdales650 nm, which is difficult to achieve by any semiconductor heterostructure