The precision voltage references for the radiation-hardened bi-FET technological process

The possibility of the construction of the voltage references (VR) is considered, the output voltage of which, unlike the majority of the well-known circuitry solutions, can be relatively liberally controlled and be either higher or lower than the band gap of the silicon. For these purposes the differential stage (DS) is used where the voltage power supply with negative temperature drift is connected to one of its inputs. As a result the current with negative temperature drift is formed in one arm of DR and the current with positive temperature drift is formed in another arm. When summing the currents we manage to obtain the temperature stable voltage from 0,2 V up to 3-4V at the temperature drift not worse than 10 ppm/K. Furthermore, the use of p-n-junction FETs with p-type channel in DS renders possible to achieve high radiation hardness at total dose up to 1 Mrad and neutron flux up to 1013 - 1014 n/cm2.