Object‐oriented modeling for gasoline engine and automatic transmission systems

In this article a computer model for control system design of gasoline engines with an automatic transmission is presented. A modular programming approach has been pursued, and MATLAB/SIMULINK has been used as a programming environment. Engine/transmission systems are analyzed in the object‐oriented fashion that provides and ensures easy construction of various computer models by assembling various objects. An object in this article represents a physical part, an equation, or an algorithm. The top level in the powertrain model consists of three classes: an engine, a transmission, and a driveline. Each class is designed to perform by itself. The construction procedure of a typical powertrain model together with supplementary explanation is demonstrated. It is expected that the whole program and individual class constructed in here are useful for the automotive engineers who design a new engine/transmission system and/or modify an existing system. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 7: 107–119, 1999